SCAD x Harbor
① Week1
Team Member
Zane Kidwell (Lighting/MP)
Mia Esparragoza (3D/look Dev)
Veronica Ramirez (Comp)
Soi Park (FX)
Yilin Zhao (FX)
Week 1 Task
- Personal idea pitch
- Concept art design
- On shot of previs (the ring roll along the tree branch)
- Fx reference
1. Personal Idea Pitch - Bvlgari snake ring
After team discussions, we selected jewelry as the product focus. Given that 2025 is the Year of the Snake, my concept centers around a snake-themed jewelry piece: Bvlgari’s iconic serpent ring. The idea unfolds along an extended corridor where a massive black serpent is seen slithering outside the windows. As it moves, its skin gradually transforms into gold. The camera follows the serpent as it coils around shimmering gemstones, ultimately merging seamlessly with them to become a stunning, jewel-adorned serpent ring.
Model reference:
2. Concept art design
These two concept design drawings are based on the hero shot in the storyboard drawn by Zane. Specifically, a tree branch like a hand grows out of it, and a snake ring floats in the centre of the branch. However, after discussion, it was decided to abandon this version in consideration of the difficulty and time involved in growing the tree fx.
3. One shot of previs (The ring roll along the tree brunch)
These two shots are animatics based on the newly discussed story. The main content is the ring falling on the branch and rolling along it. Anywhere the ring rolls over will turn into gold.
3. Fx Reference
According to our latest discussions, the specific special effects are divided into:
1. sculpture distintegration (soi)
2. ring dropping and rolling rbd (soi/yilin)
3. materila/texture morphing fx (yilin)
4. leaf collision effects (soi)
5. abstract particle effects (yilin)
sculpture distintegration
ring dropping and rolling rbd
Texture/Color change Fx
leaf collison fx
abstract particle fx
Yilin Zhao / SANM560 / SCAD x Harbor